
Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Leadership- Merit Evidence Peer Mediation!

Peer Mediation

On Friday the 26th of June I did Peer Mediation. I had quite a good lunch-time because we had no problems although we had to find a duty teacher since the door was locked and I couldn't get the equipment. Next time I think I should remind the other people in my group because one of them forgot to turn up.
By Mollyanne :)

Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Leadership Merit Evidence- Being A Role Model To Kakano Students

Being A Role Model

I have been showing the C.A.R.E values and being a good role model for Kakano students by helping out a year 6 for wet day duty and showing a good example of the expected indoor morning tea/ lunch time behavior. A friend and I played a game of 'Pick up sticks' with a student while trying to keep the class at the expected noise level and succeeded!
By Mollyanne :) 

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

My Discovery

My Discovery- Making French Crepes


 Didn't look very nice. It looked a bit lumpy!



They still tasted good!!!
By Mollyanne

Leadership Merit Evidence- Piano Lessons!


Today/ 16-06-15 I went to piano. I had a great lesson and learnt some more about melodic and harmonic seconds and thirds by learning a couple of pieces. When I was unsure about something I used the learner disposition and questioned. My goal would be to remember my book every week as I don't always remember, though I did this week. :)
By Mollyanne!

Merit Evidence- Getting Involved

Getting Involved!

I have been getting involved by always doing something during morning-tea and lunch. I sometimes play a P.A.Ls game, sometimes am running the P.A.Ls activity or doing a different one of my duties. But most of the time I am playing a fun game with my friends. We usually do lots of running around (avoiding knocking over littler children), gymnastics skills, occasionally go to the library or play on the playground. Overall I reckon I am doing quite well in 'getting involved' because I am trying to be involved in something while showing the C.A.R.E values, staying inside the boundaries as well as being a good role model to the younger students.
By Mollyanne! 

My Discovery

My Discovery
I think that we are now relational for learning about France because we have learnt words and some foods from France. We also tried making French Crepes which were alright but could have been better. 
By Mollyanne!

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Leadership Merit Evidence- Piano Lessons!

Piano Lessons With Hillary

On the 9/06/2015- today I remembered to go to piano lessons. I also remembered my piano book and was on time. At one point I was a bit stuck/confused about something but I used my resilience strategies and Hillary helped me out. I learnt a couple of new pieces and recapped something from last week to refresh my memory. My next step would be to practice when I have spare time so I can get better and understand what I am learning the next week.  
By Mollyanne. :) 

Leadership Merit Evidence- Helping Out Around The School

Helping Out Around The School

I have been helping out around the school  by: When the relief teachers in our class I showed the C.A.R.E values and reminded others to do the same. I also politely corrected them if they had made a mistake. This has helped not only our class but also our entire school by not giving Oaklands School a bad name, I also reminded others to do the same if they were not. My next step would be probably  be to constantly check the flow and self check chart without being reminded as the relief teachers were not used our system.     
By Mollyanne! :)